Qurban (Dhuhia) is known as the Feast of Sacrifice. This is because it honours the famous story of the willingness of the prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to Allah’s command. In that respect, Muslims all over the world slaughter animals like cattle, sheep and goats while initiating strong social ties through charity giving.

As Twahirah Islamic Charity Organisation (TICO), we aim at slaughtering cattle and goats this Qurban 2024 anticipated in the month of June 2024, which meat will be shared among two thousand (2000) people from needy families so that they can also enjoy Eid al-Adhuha fulfilling our core principle of improving welfare of the underprivileged.

For Twahirah Islamic Charity Organisation (TICO) to be able to achieve this goal, we request for your support and collaboration about the above project as outlined below;